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- Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A.; Gyula, Pap & Tran, N. K.
Local asymptotic properties for the growth rate of a jump-type CIR process
Submitted (2024)
- Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A. & Ngo, T.
Asymptotic behavior of the multilevel type error for SDEs driven by a pure jump Lévy process.
Submitted (2024)
- Ben Derouich, M.; Kebaier, A.;
The interpolated drift implicit Euler scheme Multilevel Monte Carlo method for pricing Barrier options and applications to the CIR and CEV models
Submitted (2024)
- Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A. & Sarr, D.
Deep Calibration of Interest Rates Model.
Submitted (2024)
- Alfonsi, A.; Kebaier, A.; & Lelong, J.;
A pure dual approach for hedging Bermudan options
Submitted (2024)
Published & Accepted Papers
- Alfonsi, A. & Kebaier, A.
Approximation of Stochastic Volterra Equations with kernels of completely monotone type.
Mathematic of Computation, no. 346, 643-s677 (2024)
- Ben Alaya, M.; Hajji, K. & Kebaier, A.
Adaptive Importance Sampling for Multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method.
Stochastics 95, no. 2, 303-327 (2023)
- Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A. & Ngo, T.
Central Limit Theorem for the antithetic multilevel Monte Carlo method.
Ann. Appl. Probab. 32, no. 3, 1970-2027. (2022)
- Caballero, R. ; Kebaier, A.; Scavino, M. & Tempone, R.
Quantifying Uncertainty with a Derivative Tracking SDE Model and Application to Wind Power Forecast Data.
Statistics and Computing. 31 no. 5, 64. (2021)
- Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A. & Tran, N. K.
Local asymptotic properties for Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process with discrete observations.
Scand. J. Stat. 47. 1401-1464 (2020)
- Jourdain, B. & Kebaier, A.
Non-asymptotic error bounds for The Multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method applied to SDEs with constant diffusion coefficient.
Electron. J. Probab. 24, paper no. 12, 34 pp. (2019)
- Barczy, M.; Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A. & Pap, G.
Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimator for the growth rate of a stable CIR process based on continuous time observations.
Statistics. 53, no. 3 (2019)
- Barczy, M.; Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A. & Pap, G.
Maximum likelihood estimators for a jump-type Heston model.
J. Statist. Plann. Inference 198, 139-164 (2019)
- Kebaier, A. & Lelong, J.
Coupling Importance Sampling and Multilevel Monte Carlo using Sample Average Approximation.
Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab. 20 (2018), no. 2, 611-641. (2018)
- Barczy, M.; Ben Alaya, M.; Kebaier, A. & Pap, G.
Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimator for the growth rate for a jump-type CIR process based on continuous time observations.
Stochastic Process. Appl. 128 no. 4, 1135-1164. (2018)
- Alfonsi, A., Kebaier, A. & Rey, C.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Wishart processes.
Stochastic Process. Appl. 126, no. 11, 3243-3282. (2016)
- Ben Alaya, M., Hajji K. & Kebaier, A.
Importance Sampling and Statistical Romberg Method for Lévy Processes.
Stochastic Process. Appl. 126, no. 7, 1901-1931. (2016)
- Ben Alaya, M., Hajji K. & Kebaier, A.
Importance Sampling and Statistical Romberg method.
Bernoulli 21, no. 4, 1947-1983. (2015)
- Ben Alaya, M & Kebaier, A. Central Limit Theorem for the Multilevel Monte Carlo Euler Method.
Ann. Appl. Probab. 25, no. 1, 211-234. (2015)
- Ben Alaya, M. & Kebaier, A.
Multilevel Monte Carlo for Asian options and limit theorems.
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications. 20, no. 3, 181-194. (2014)
- Ben Alaya, M. & Kebaier, A. Asymptotic Behavior of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Ergodic and Nonergodic
Square-Root Diffusions.
Stochastic Analysis and Applications. Vol. 31, Iss. 4, 552-573. (2013)
- Ben Alaya, M. & Kebaier, A. Parameter estimation for the square root diffusions: ergodic and nonergodic cases.
Sochastic Models. 28, Iss. 4, 609-634. (2012)
- Fathallah, H. & Kebaier, A. Weighted Limit Theorems For Continuous-time Vectorial Martingales With Explosive and Mixed Growth and Statistical Applications.
Stochastic Analysis and Applications. Vol. 3, Iss. 2, 238-257. (2012)
- Kebaier, A. & Kohatsu-Higa, A. An optimal control variance reduction method for density estimation.
Stochastic Process. Appl. 118, no. 12, 2143--2180. (2008)
- Chaâbane, F. & Kebaier, A.Théorèomes limites avec poids pour les
martingales vectorielles à temps continu .
ESAIM Probab. Stat. 12, 464--491. (2008)
- Kebaier, A. Statistical Romberg Extrapolation: A New Variance Reduction Method and Applications to Option Pricing
Ann. Appl. Probab. 15, no. 4, 2681--2705. (2005)
Book chapter
Thesis and Habilitation thesis
Former PhD student
- Dr. Thi Bao Trâm NGO
- Dr. Kaouther HAJJI