Conférences - Monique Jeanblanc

Slides de présentation à diverses conférences

Stochastic Processes and  Applications to Finance, Communication Networks and Neuroscience, July 16 - 21 2007 at Indian Institute of  Science, Bangalore (Inde) 

Default correlation: a dynamic approach
 Innovations in Mathematical Finance, 25 June - 1 July  2007, Loen (Norway) Dynamic copula
Advances in Mathematical Finance, Second General AMaMeF Conference, 30 avril-5 mai 2007, Bedlewo (Pologne)  Pricing and trading credit default swaps    
 Risk and Stochastics day of London School of Economics, 19 Mars 2007, London (Royaume Uni).  Old results and new tools on credit risk.
Amamef conference, 25-27  Janvier 2007, Toulouse (France)   Enlargement of filtration and Credit risk
Tunis, Novembre 2008
Density model for credit risk