Paris-Southeast Asia Conference in Mathematical Finance
7-11 February 2015
 Siem Reap, Cambodia
Paris-Southeast Asia Conference in Mathematical Finance
    The first Paris-Southeast Asia Conference in Mathematical Finance will be held in Siem Reap. The aim of this conference is to enhance existing connections and foster new collaboration between researchers from our teams in Paris and Southeast Asia in the fields of financial mathematics, quantitative finance, stochastic control and risk management. This conference is co-organised by Mathematical Finance teams at LaMME - University of Evry and ENSIIE, Centre for Quantitative Finance - National University of Singapore, and LPMA - University Paris Diderot, in partnership with Institute of Technology of Cambodia.
Scientific Committee

Min Dai
Arnaud Gloter
Monique Jeanblanc
Steven Kou
Huyên Pham
Organizing Committee

Etienne Chevalier
Stéphane Crépey
Thomas Lim 
Vathana Ly Vath
Simone Scotti
Chao Zhou
Local organizer: Mongkulserey Lin, Tepmony Sim

For any information, please contact us: